Liz Price helps women who feel isolated or marginalised to meet their leadership potential
Unlearning Circles
The Unlearning Circle is a 3 month immersive experience with a skilled facilitator who has been through this process. Participants will be racialised as white, have already begun personal work on anti-racism, and want to dive deeper into their own racial biases.
As a small group, we read Me and White Supremacy, journal and share how the characteristics of white racism manifests in ourselves, chapter by chapter.
The process is intensive and life changing!
Do you relate to any of these statements?
I know racism can be subtle, but I don’t know what it looks like.
I'm fearful of saying the wrong thing and hurting people, so I say nothing instead.
I do ask, or want to ask, people with lived experience about racism.
I see more examples of sexism than racism in my life.
I'm not clear what I can do to make my workplace and my community a better place in regards to racism.
I don’t know what the terms white privilege, white fragility and/or intersectionality mean.
Most or all of my close friends are white.
My partner/ best friend/ [any other key relationship] is from a black, Asian or ethnic minority background, therefore I don’t think I’m racist.
I feel that these people could do with my help, they are so unfortunate.
I mostly watch programmes produced by white people about white people
I mostly read books and publications written by white people about white people.
I mostly listen to radio or podcasts produced by white people, with white people
I struggle to find the right words to avoid giving offence
Racism doesn’t affect me, so I don’t have to do anything about it.

In March 2022, Liz was a guest on 3D Coaching's podcast called The Coaching Inn - in it Claire Pedrick and Liz talked about difference, power and privilege. She also describes the process she went through as a pioneer Unlearning Circle participant in 2021.
Money back guarantee
We offer a 100% money back guarantee - we will refund your payment in full if you are :
unable to recognise, understand and articulate the foundations of white supremacy and racism, and
unable to give personal examples of these, and
able to show us that you've done all the work, as set out by Full Frame Coach for the duration of the programme.
Why is it only for white people?
The nature of anti-racist Unlearning Circles is that all participants identify as the same race. This is to support complete honesty in the group and to prevent /minimise harm caused by sharing racist stories and reflections.
As the facilitator of The Unlearning Circles with Full Frame Coach identifies as white, group participants will also be racialised as white.
You're ready for this programme if you...
Want to learn about racism and to feel confident speaking about it
Want to make a positive difference at work and/or in your community
Feel emotionally strong and have a close friend or family member who can support you
Can spend 14 weeks diving deeply into anti-racism theory and reflective practice
Want to be part of a group learning process and meet like-minded people who also want to do this work with you.
Dates for your diary
Future dates are TBC. Participants must attend all five sessions. These are usually held on Thursdays from 0930-1200pm:
Want to find out more?

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